Tag Archives: birthday party

29-04-2019 – Deranged And Other Excellent Words


[Editor’s Note: I accept that the image that goes with this post may be in bad taste; I just can’t figure out in what context.]

Well well well, three gigs in a weekend, it’s getting just like the old days. We arrived at the Millhouse in Emerson’s Green, bagged the cheeky last parking spaces, and hauled in. As we suspected, this was a “family pub”, not used to having bands on – although I did like the fact that we were told “You can store your empty cases in the Wacky Warehouse”… READ MORE

23-04-2019 – Owls and Easter

Helloo there, my little Easter bunnies.

We hope you enjoyed the extended weekend, and trust you were all suitably solemn in remembrance of what this important religious festival commemorates; the true meaning of Easter, that time of year when Jesus skips merrily around the countryside with a basket of chocolate for all the little children.

Something like that, anyway; I must confess I wasn’t really paying attention to that part in school.

Right, well we had a fine couple of evenings gigging; although, having had at least two sleeps since then, I can’t really remember anything much about them. Except the owls. The owls… READ MORE

15-04-2019 – Who Got THE Blues?

Good morning!

I really am beginning to think I’m getting too old for this…

Maybe it’s time I took to playing slide guitar instead, sitting on my back porch in a rocking chair and playing s-l-o-w blues riffs. Thing is, I’d need to get a dog, probably – I suspect it’s written somewhere in the Blues Byelaws.

Of which there are quite a number, come to think of it; for example, the list of permissible Blues Beverages (permitted: black coffee, red wine, bourbon whiskey; forbidden: Lucozade, chai latte, Prosecco). READ MORE

08-04-2019 – Yeeeaahhh!

Yo funsters!

Well, another busy weekend goes flying past, narrowly missing my head, and hurtles noisily into the wall behind me with a sickening thud.

I’m not entirely sure what that last sentence was about, but I for one rather enjoyed it.

Friday’s outing to the Trout in Keynsham was – for once – a rather dry affair, we managed to get through the night without any of us or our lovely expensive equipment getting covered in beer. Nonetheless, there was a satisfactory amount of tomfoolery going on – this week’s air guitar champion was the lovely Holly (apparently), who rocked out far above and beyond the call of duty, putting the regular Trout loonies to shame, in fact. Well played, that girl! READ MORE

01-04-2019 – T-Shirt Faux Pas

Ahoy there shipmates!

Another weekend, another fine pair of evenings spent making a racket, jumping around like a twat, and generally having a marvellous time. Both Emma and I agreed that we can’t remember what normal people do for fun on a night out, ‘cos this is so much better.

Mind you, we also agreed that we should change the band name to “Pottymouth Infidel and the Conspicuous Ninjas”, so that gives you an idea of the kind of intellect you’re dealing with here.

Friday at the Packhorse was immense fun, and – thanks to it being one of the regular’s birthday, there was a large buffet arrayed on a table. It is codified in law that musicians are entitled to partake in any food which is displayed within 50 feet of them…so we did. READ MORE

28-03-2019 – Late Door Slap

Blessings be upon you, my children…

Well, the sun has come out, spring is beginning to do springy things with an admirable degree of enthusiasm, and there appears to be a glimmer of hope on the horizon that a significant proportion of the country would perhaps, on sober consideration, prefer to not shoot themselves in the bollocks after all – so what could improve things more than a nice lively Angel Up Front gig on a Saturday night?

Well, for a start, a nice lively Angel Up Front gig on a Saturday night which doesn’t involve Alan marching at full tilt face-first into a closed door whilst loading the kit in, that would have been an improvement… READ MORE

18-03-2019 – Fantasy Special


Well, after a weekend off from the vagaries of the rawk’n’roll treadmill, we have just the one gig coming up this weekend, so all of our not-inconsiderable powers will be focussed with laser-like precision on that one performance.

I can tell you, folks, this is going to be be an intense, once-in-a-lifetime, not-to-be-missed experience! This will be a gig that, in years to come, people will be telling their grandchildren about; “Oh, I was actually there”, they’ll be saying, all misty-eyed, “I was actually there on that night, the night that rock’n’roll changed the world forever…” READ MORE

11-03-2019 – Almost Normal

Well, seeing as we have a weekend off coming up, with no gigs to alert you to, there’s not really much point me pushing this out this week.

On the other hand, we thought that we’d better reassure you that we managed to get through a whole gig without having any willies waved at us; which I must admit did come as something of a relief.

If it makes you feel better, Emma and I did, on the way to the gig, at the Queen Vic up in sunny Stroud, follow a car bearing a numberplate which we both could have sworn blind read “KNOB FUN”. As it turned out, on closer inspection, it actually didn’t; but nonetheless it kept us both giggling all the way there. This is the calibre of intellect you’re dealing with here, people… READ MORE

05-03-2019 – The Swinging Member Experience

Hola amigos!

Well, that weekend was… interesting…

Saturday night at the Whitchurch – which did indeed, as expected, turn out to be in Whitchurch –  a large pub, where we are allocated  just enough space to set us up in, and a noticeable fashion vibe – we counted at least six young ladies all wearing the same ripped-jeans and leopard skin print top outfit. It must be a Whitchurch chic thing.

The crowd were a mixed bunch of the moderately interested, and the fanatical manic dancing about, but by the start of second set the latter faction clearly had the upper hand. READ MORE

25-02-2019 – Complete Muppetry

And what, may I ask, is the sun doing? Shining? In February? It’s rather impertinent of it, if you ask me.

Still, it is rather lovely. And it’s been a most entertaining week for me, there’s been much driving around the country for various reasons, which included a Friday overnight stop at a B & B in the middle of Birmingham.

I was rather please to find that the B & B was in fact a pub; with live music on; and a microbrewery attached. So an unexpectedly pleasant night was spent sampling various beers – my favourite went by the name of Complete Muppetry, although there was a definite runners-up prize for the Chocolate and Cherry Porter, which I could still clearly taste the following morning. READ MORE