Hey folks
Sorry, we didn’t send one of these out last week – quite frankly, I forgot. A brief recap should suffice, however.
A couple of Fridays ago we played a pre-Halloween gig at Keynsham Courtyard – a new venue for us, and once we’d figured out how to squish ourselves onto the very cosy-sized stage, we had a very jolly evening – lots of folks in fancy dress, which is always good to see, along with much dancing and jollity.
Stood right in front of me for most of the night was a middle-aged couple and what I assumed to be their daughter. The husband, probably with a couple of beers on board already, was having a wonderful time, singing along to all the tunes and air guitaring away. His wife looked… rather less amused. In mid-song, I happened to catch the eye of the daughter, standing between them, and mouthed the words,