Tag Archives: albion house club

09-09-2019 – Sombrero Experience

Good morrow, hail and well met, fine folk of Albion!

Forsooth, privy, and… that’s it, I’m afraid. I’m all out of Shakespeare.

Despite being forced to study it at school, very little of it stuck, I’m sorry to say. Except that I remember that Tybalt was “fiery”. You got a mark for that, because it was a quote, even though it was only one word. If only I’d learned another 79 words, I could have got an “A”…

Ah, well – I have to admit, I’m kinda with Keith Richards’ views on art. READ MORE

02-09-2019 – VAlley Girls

Good morning, and welcome to a beautiful fresh morning here in sunny Bristol!

Now – that’s got the ghastly enthusiasm out the way, can I go back to bed now?


Oh well, here we go then.

After a couple of weeks off, with band members enjoying exotic holidays in such desirable destinations as Rome, and – er – Swanage – we were back in rock’n’roll action playing a wedding over in the verdant valleys up past Merthyr Tydfil in glorious South Wales.

After having set up, soundchecked, and performed that other vital musician task – making friends with the catering staff – we sat back and drank free beer and ate free food until it was time to start. READ MORE

28-05-2019 – Hay Fever!


And a warm welcome to this week’s little episode of rawk’n’roll strangeness.

I’ll keep this one fairly short, as it’s too nice a day to be sat inside banging away on a keyboard for the dubious benefit of you lot…

Friday night at the lovely Railway Tav in Fishponds, and a huge fun gig, enlivened by the presence of Stuart’s lovely sister, who had come all the way over from Canada, for the sole purpose of seeing us*. It was also enlivened by lots of punters jigging merrily around all night, and I personally was particularly pleased by the nice ladies who were queuing up afterwards to buy us all a beer. I like it when that happens. READ MORE

20-05-2019 – Ultra Cute Fluffy Kitten, Just For the Hell of It!

Hey folks

A weekend of contrasts in rawk – Friday night at the Giant Goram in Lawrence Weston – always a rather informal affair – was enlivened by the presence of our new best mate Tia, who spent the first set dancing around enthusiastically to everything, and then at half-time appeared with a large tray of shots for the band.

We rather liked her.

Even more so when she told us the tale of the last time she went out to see a band.

“I don’t get out much…”, she tells us, “…So anyway, the last time I went out to see a band, I was having such a great time, I was dancing around so much that I was sick on the floor”. READ MORE

14-05-2019 – Goth Colouring Book

Ahoy there shipmates!

A whole weekend off, which turned out to be no bad thing in some ways, as last week was – well, a bit of a bugger, really, for some of us.

On the other hand, most weeks turn out to be a bit of a bugger, one way or another, and there really is nothing more therapeutic that jumping around making a bloody loud noise. I heartily recommend it, I’m sure it’s much more effective at relieving stress than the “meditative colouring books” I recently noticed for sale. I can’t help feeling that if your troubles can be resolved by sitting down for an hour with a pack of felt tips, you probably don’t have enough troubles. READ MORE