Ho, ho, and, indeed, ho.
And a warm welcome to this festive, and almost certainly last edition this year, of our regular-ish gig blog.
I didn’t manage to put one of these out last week, which I shall blame on time constraints, as “incompetence” is such an ugly word, isn’t it? I can, however, dimly recall a few snippets of the last couple of gigs…
It turns out that the Packhorse in Lawrence Hill is indeed still run by the Angels, and a mighty friendly bunch they were, we all had a jolly fine time, and will be back there again next year. As I write this, it’s only just occurred to me that possibly one reason we were so popular was that – due to driving constraints – we didn’t take too much advantage of their mighty fine “free beer for musos” policy (one which, as regular readers will know, I have been a staunch supporter of for many years).