Tag Archives: green dragon

04-04-2016 – Keeping Score


Well after a week away, I was hoping to return refreshed and bright eyed, but unsurprisingly ended up returning knackered and bleary-eyed instead.

Anyway – after a week off, it was back on Friday for a night at the Parson’s Nose in Melksham; whilst waiting to play after setting up, we found a “Giant Alphabet Floor Puzzle – Ages 2 to 5”. Ben and I immediately pounced on it, and set about completing it as fast as possible. It’s harder than you might think – although to be honest, Ben was holding me back a little… READ MORE

07-12-2015 – Dancing Edition

Ho, ho ho, my little ones.

Yes, it’s now December, start of the silly season, and time to be able to use the C-word in public again. A fine weekend to start off with – we arrived at the Queen Vic to find the council has closed the road for a festive street fair a little further up the hill, blocking our access to get in and unload.

Fortunately, they hadn’t had the foresight to close the pavement as well, so my little van clambered nimbly over a couple of kerbs, and we were right outside the venue, with plenty of spaces to park, since everybody else seemed to be law-abiding. READ MORE

30-11-2015 – The Curse Of The Whammy Bar

My, that was a busy weekend!

Friday night, and it’s off to the rather lovely Barrington Arms near Swindon with daughter Lil for an acoustic evening; a fine plan, spoiled only by the cheery signs, twinkling in the rainswept night, announcing that the M4 is shut from the next junction but one onwards. As the noted wit Oscar Wilde would have remarked, “Oh, bugger!”

So it’s off at the next exit for a frantic explore of the B roads of Wiltshire, and we finally slither to a halt outside the pub a mere hour late. Fortunately Tracy, the nice lady in charge, is very understanding, and we still manage to fit in a full two sets before finishing time. She apologises that the pub’s not too full, but blames Black Friday, the weather, the roads, and, curiously, the government. Apparently, though, they normally have more people in the place, and they usually like something a bit noisier than what we’ve just played. Lil immediately informs her that we can easily do MUCH noisier, we just bring her brothers along – this suggestion is met with approval, and so the stage is set for a full-on Polar Bear Cheesy Pirate experience in the New Year. ? READ MORE

23-11-2015 – Polar Bears, Fights and Glowing Guitars

Hey folks

Helldammit, that was a fun weekend all round!

Friday night, and time for Lily’s gig up at the ol’ Clothears in Stroud; having forewarned the pub that in addition the usual acoustic-y stuff, we were bringing along the full strength of the tribe – the mighty Polar Bear Cheese Pirates From Outer Space – we arrived early and after almost an hour of careful planning, carrying, arranging, rearranging, and tripping over each other, we’d managed to get the entire band’s kit set up in the very snug space available. And a jolly night we had of it; although after over an hour of drumming way after his bedtime, poor Jimi had to curl up in a corner to snooze while we packed the rest of the kit up afterwards. Usually it’s Lily that does that. READ MORE

15-06-2015 – The Great (Mediocre Actually) Escape


Well, that was a fun night down at the Green Dragon in Marlborough; the place was much busier than usual, and we were having so much fun that it came as a nasty shock to find out that it was suddenly half-eleven and time to stop for their strict noise curfew. So, we only played a few more after that, before discreetly stopping in case they suddenly decided not to pay us…

As we all had busy Sundays lined up, we packed up very quickly and efficie ntly; only to find that there were so many revellers milling about that it was impossible to actually get the kit out through the door and across the pavement to the van – I tried to get the first case out, and it took me a full 5 minutes (and was offered two fights) before I made it across the 10 yards to the van, and peeled various drunks off the back door so I could open it and put the thing in. READ MORE

01-06-2015 – Near Fire Escape Heart Attack

And, on this fine sunny day, may I wish a warm welcome to all our readers.

And for our non-readers: – Well, unfortunately, you won’t be able to read, that, will you?

So – I know – here’s a nice “warm welcome-y” picture, just for you…


Right, that’s that out of the way, then…

Friday night, and the “Rum Bar” in Chepstow. After several laps of the one-way system. We finally found it, and were faced with two disappointments.

Disappointment One: It turned out to be a tropical-type-cocktail-bar. Nothing wrong with that, but I’d been kinda hoping that everybody in there would be pirates… READ MORE

01-12-2014 – Dragon

Blessings be upon you, my children

Our sermon this week is taken from the Third Book of Ramblings, Chapter Three, Verse Two Hundred and Seventy Four…

Yea, And It Came To Pass That the Tribe Of Angel Up Front Were Wandering In The Wilderness For Many Years, Until The Good Lord (Martin) Saw Them, And Took Pity On Them, And Yea, He Did Lead Them Unto A Place Of Sanctuary, Which Was An Inn In The Land Of Marlborough, Known In Those Parts As The Green Dragon, And…

….you know what? It’s a real pain in the ass capitalising every word, I think I’ll give this theme a miss for now… Sorry to anybody that was starting to doze off already. READ MORE

12-05-2014 – Sleep Deprivation Weekend

Yo peeps

Slightly disoriented after a week off, and mostly knackered (me ‘cos I’m old, Ben due to a draconian work shift pattern, Stuart because the previous night was the album launch party for the Real Kings Of Spain, Lou because – well, because she’s always running around like a loony), we all trundled up to the Parson’s Nose in Melksham, and tried to remember how to set up the kit. It seems that knocking your Strat off its stand is not the most helpful part of this process, but then again nor is finding your spare batteries have shorted themselves out and melted together into an ungainly heap. Still, we finally got everything working, except for my brain (which fast forwarded in one song leaving me 2 verses ahead, and wondering why it was the rest of ‘em were all screwing it up together, and managing to do it in perfect sync…) READ MORE