Tag Archives: fun day

21-10-2019 – The Vague Meanderings Of Mr Gormless

Hello listeners

And a warm welcome to this week’s edition of “Vague Meanderings” here on Radio 4. This week in the studio we have ex-BBC television presenter Mr Jack Hargreaves, who sadly died twelve years ago, and is here to promote his new book “Countryside Ramblings From My Shed”.

But first, we have a letter from a Mrs Trellis of North Wales, who writes to ask us if that nice Mrs Thatcher is still in charge of things…

<<We interrupt this broadcast to bring you an important announcement from the Rock Office>> READ MORE

14-10-2019 – The MOP That Needed A Mop

Right then, is everybody here?

You – you at the back there – yes, you, boy – are you chewing something?

What is it?


Ergh. Well, I hope you brought enough for the whole class…

So, if it’s quite all right, shall we continue with the lesson, then, if it’s not too much trouble?

Friday’s escapade to Marlborough was – well, a bit odd, frankly. This is the week, it seems, of the “Marlborough Mop Fair” – a quaint local tradition which seems to consist of closing off the entire high street to traffic, and erecting in it a large – and very much closed – funfair. READ MORE

07-10-2019 – Well Carry On Then

Hola amigos!

Big apologies to anybody who tried to come out to see us at the Giant Goram on Friday – we weren’t there!

To be fair, our Emma was a poorly little chicken indeed, having barely survived Thursday’s trip to the Royal Oak – she did message earlier in the day to say she was feeling terrible, but we were still not quite prepared for the sorry sight that shambled in just before gig time. Oh dearie me, she was not a happy little singer.

Still, bless her, she managed to just about make it through the night – and it did give us an excuse to trot out a couple of extra numbers with Ben on lead vocals, to give her a few minutes recovery time. READ MORE

30-09-2019 – Stop, Thief

Boy howdy!

And welcome to this week’s thrill-packed episode of rambling nonsense.

Friday night’s expedition to the Old Mail House was successful, from my point of view at least, in that I managed to pull off a triumph of rock’n’roll blokiness, by diverting course on the way to the gig to buy an angle grinder.

Impressed, eh?

That’s nearly as blokily impressive as a man with two sheds, wouldn’t you say?

(I don’t actually have two sheds. I’m not weird, or anything). READ MORE

23-09-2019 – First Date And The Wolley Pub

Well, that’s it, folks. Summer’s end. It’s raining again. Ah well, it was fun while it lasted. At least the giggage continues apace.

Friday at the Swan, and the turnout was a bit on the light side – apparently the good citizens of Thornbury have taken to staying home of a Friday night in recent months – and this one was not very different. In fact, as there were not too many in, and they were quite shy, Emma had to encourage them at the end of each song to applaud.

In fact, for one number – which tails off gracefully with eight bars of acapella vocals, and thus doesn’t have a definite “Clang” ending – in a moment of genius, to avoid any confusion for the punters, at the moment the last note fades away, Emma helpfully announces,“THE END”; which had the rest of us creased up in hysterics. Oh, how we love that woman. READ MORE

17-09-2019 – Ligament Damage Wah!

Top o’ the mornin’ to ye!

Just in case it’s St Paddy’s day at some point this week, I really don’t pay attention to these things. Or to anything much, come to think of it.

I believe that this is a sound approach to maintaining a positive attitude when under adverse conditions – if you pay very little attention to what’s going on around you, then things don’t really bother you so much. There is, in fact a medical term for it…. ah, yes.


Anyways – concerned citizens amongst will doubtless be relieved to hear that my horribly buggered ankle, as reported here last week, is slowly on the mend. READ MORE

09-09-2019 – Sombrero Experience

Good morrow, hail and well met, fine folk of Albion!

Forsooth, privy, and… that’s it, I’m afraid. I’m all out of Shakespeare.

Despite being forced to study it at school, very little of it stuck, I’m sorry to say. Except that I remember that Tybalt was “fiery”. You got a mark for that, because it was a quote, even though it was only one word. If only I’d learned another 79 words, I could have got an “A”…

Ah, well – I have to admit, I’m kinda with Keith Richards’ views on art. READ MORE

02-09-2019 – VAlley Girls

Good morning, and welcome to a beautiful fresh morning here in sunny Bristol!

Now – that’s got the ghastly enthusiasm out the way, can I go back to bed now?


Oh well, here we go then.

After a couple of weeks off, with band members enjoying exotic holidays in such desirable destinations as Rome, and – er – Swanage – we were back in rock’n’roll action playing a wedding over in the verdant valleys up past Merthyr Tydfil in glorious South Wales.

After having set up, soundchecked, and performed that other vital musician task – making friends with the catering staff – we sat back and drank free beer and ate free food until it was time to start. READ MORE

20-08-2019 – Bikers nest

Yo homeys!

Right, another brief one I’m afraid – largely because there’s not too much to tell this week. And partly because I have way too much other stuff that I ought to be getting on with…

Friday’s jaunt to the Packhorse on Stapleton Road went rather well – I was particularly delighted to be able to catch up with my brother, who made an unexpected appearance; and also we got to enjoy the pub’s new beer terrace – which, in the dark, looked for all the world like the deck of the Titanic – except that when you walked to the rail at the edge, and looked down, instead of a view of a nasty icy cold wet ocean, you got the much more pleasing vista of a vast sea of shiny chromed Harley Davidsons – we have discovered a biker’s nest! READ MORE

19-08-2019 – Better Late Than Never (The Sweaty Centurion)

[Editor’s note] Er, yes, this one is a week late. The next one to follow quite soon.]

Aloha amigos!

As a Mexican on holiday in Hawaii might say…

Anyways, I expect you’re all keen to hear what we’ve been up to this weekend; come to think of it, it’s really quite rude of us not to ask you what you’ve been up to.

So – how are you all? Do write and tell us.

Meanwhile, back in “transmit mode” – Friday, and the Trinity Inn in Bath turns out to be very cosy – as in quite small – but also as in ”My God, it’s hot in here”. Having managed to load in without getting rained on, it made no difference, as by the time we’d got the kit in place, we were all soaked head to foot in sweat. (Our own, I should point out – it’s not like there was a member of staff throwing buckets of sweat over everyone who walked in through the door. Although there may as well have been). READ MORE