Stop Thief

30-09-2019 – Stop, Thief

Boy howdy!

And welcome to this week’s thrill-packed episode of rambling nonsense.

Friday night’s expedition to the Old Mail House was successful, from my point of view at least, in that I managed to pull off a triumph of rock’n’roll blokiness, by diverting course on the way to the gig to buy an angle grinder.

Impressed, eh?

That’s nearly as blokily impressive as a man with two sheds, wouldn’t you say?

(I don’t actually have two sheds. I’m not weird, or anything).

The actual gig was pretty quiet – there were a couple of gentlemen of pensionable age who came up to the front to shimmy rather impressively; but despite our best efforts, most of those present weren’t really up for it – still, we take a philosophical attitude to such things – we still get paid, so if folks don’t want to show much enthusiasm, that’s just fine.

Oh, apart from the bimbo who stole one of our tambourines. (S)he’s definitely going to burn in Hell.

Saturday night at the Fire Engine in Redfield, and Emma and I, both weary from busy days, and various minor injuries accumulated over the last week or two, haul ourselves limply out of the van into the pouring rain to start loading all the heavy kit in. Our hearts are not currently radiant with joy.

Nonetheless, a band’s gotta do what a band’s gotta do; so once in, and after a bit of soaked-to-the-skin fimbling around trying to figure out where the power sockets are, we’re up and ready to go. And, happily, so are the punters; by the end of the night there’s a healthy crowd dancing around, playing with inflatable guitars and various other toys – all of which were dutifully returned this time.

Well done people!

We’re all feeling rather better on the way home – even though my search for a late-night pork pie for a well-deserved post-gig snack proved fruitless.*

*Well, it would, if you think about it. But, in this case, it also proved to be pigless as well.

Coming up next week –

Thursday 3rd October – Royal Oak, Chipping Sodbury
In Chipping Sodbury, Thursday night is Friday night – nice little pub, usually quite a few musically inclined punters, which is nice ’cause you know they appreciate what you’re playing. They also know when you’ve screwed something up…

Friday 4th October – Giant Goram, Lawrence Weston
In Lawrence Weston, Friday night is – well, whatever night you want it to be, they generally have no idea what day of the week it is. They’re bonkers in here, and happy to tell you so at the drop of a hat. My advice is, basically, not to drop your hat.

Square on

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