Well, a jolly fine evening’s entertainment in
the Crown yesterday….It was lovely to see some old pals turning up, including
Ben’s mother – who has now been officially adopted as the band’s mum, meaning
that we are all entitled to call her “Mummy”, and she, presumably, is entitled
to wipe grime off our faces in public, using a hanky laced with spit.
I’m not sure we really thought that one
Still, a sizeable and friendly crowd made the evening cheery enough, despite a handful of minor technical disasters for your favourite homegrown axe hero – firstly a duff battery mishap in my wireless, rendering me silent midway through the fourth song; but after a bit of frantic scrabbling for spares, I was back online just in time for the loud crunchy bit. A little later, one of my strap locks snapped – we had to call a halt to that one, while I swapped over to spare guitar as the alternative – paying the rest of the night sitting on a chair – didn’t really seem viable (for one thing, it would make me the same height as Emma). Finally, my amp went mysteriously quiet – inevitably, after pulling up the levels, it cut back in again on full power, which cheered me up immensely, although I don’t think the chap standing directly in front was quite as happy about it. READ MORE