Ho ho, and, indeed ho.
We hope that Santa brought you everything you deserve – all I can say is that I must have been a very naughty boy indeed this year.
Anyways, just to catch up on a recent couple of hitherto (and what a magnificent word that is, I do so enjoy the archaic use of a spatial metaphor to describe a temporal condition – but whatever happened to its logical companion term, “thitherto”? – answers on a postcard, please) unreported gigs: –
A full couple of weeks ago saw us in sunny Caldicot, for a most acceptable evening at the Cellar Bar, about which I can remember very little.
However, we successfully filled the post-Christmas interregnum with a very jolly trip to the Queen’s Tap in Swindon, presided over by the lovely Nicky, memorably attired in a pair of knee-high boots, complemented by a pair of 80’s football shorts. We never did find out why.
What we did find out was that she’s rather keen on joining in singing with bands, which added a special jollity to the far end of the evening, and we were only too happy to also be joined by a special guest drummer, the delightful Sarina, which gave us a fine excuse (and we were only too happy to have one) to romp through some Iron Maiden – which gives me particular joy, as they have three guitarists, whereas we have just the one – meaning I not only play both parts of the harmony riffs simultaneously, but I also get to trade solos with myself – a practice which is not, in any way, masturbatory, as I keep having to remind people.
We rounded the evening off with what I feel was a rather spirited rendition of a Ramones number -the number 1,234…

Coming up – a very local (for me) New Year’s Eve gig: –
Tuesday 31st – Three Brooks. Bradley Stoke
If you know the area, it’s the pub on the corner right by the huge Tesco’s retail complex. None of us has set foot in it before, and there is every chance that we won’t ever again, so this will truly be a once-in-a-lifetime experience. We’re starting at 8:45, we’re finishing shortly after midnight, and in between, we’ll be entertaining any carousing drunks who find that kind of thing entertaining.
But afterwards – and we’re giving you a fair advance warning here – we’re playing a rather special gig…
Saturday 4th January – Cat & Wheel, Bristol
On the one hand, it’s a regular jolly gig at the Cat & Wheel. On the other – it’s our beloved Emma’s 27th birthday*, and we have chosen this night to be a special celebratory event of the occasion. A number of friends etc have been alerted, and we are expecting to more or less take over the pub completely for the night. After all, why pay to hire a venue for a party, when instead you can get them to pay you?
If you’d like to come along and join in the fun, you are absolutely more than welcome.
*It’s not the first 27th birthday she’s had, to be fair. But it is a very significant numbered birthday, and she will be doubtless going for it in proper style. You have been warned.
And that, my friends – for now, at least – is that. We hope to see some of you on the 4th…
Square on