Tag Archives: dancing

09-12-2019 – Election Suggestion

Top o’ the mornin’ to ye!

And this week, we have to report on a rather quirky gig, up in Wotton Under Edge, a charming little town just south of the Vale of Gloucester, and a slightly east of the 18th century.

We were playing at the Star Inn’s Christmas bash; as we pulled up there, there is a brass band (I think) just packing down under a gazebo outside.

Emma looks at me in horror.

(There’s nothing unusual about that in itself, but this time she was looking at me in horror, wondering if we were supposed to playing outside in the cold). As it turned out, we were in fact appointed to be inside the nice warm cosy pub, in a space that looked a little cramped, but – considering it was indoors – we decided was entirely satisfactory. READ MORE

09-12-2019 – Mumsy (late edition)


Well, a jolly fine evening’s entertainment in the Crown yesterday….It was lovely to see some old pals turning up, including Ben’s mother – who has now been officially adopted as the band’s mum, meaning that we are all entitled to call her “Mummy”, and she, presumably, is entitled to wipe grime off our faces in public, using a hanky laced with spit.

I’m not sure we really thought that one through…

Still, a sizeable and friendly crowd made the evening cheery enough, despite a handful of minor technical disasters for your favourite homegrown axe hero – firstly a duff battery mishap in my wireless, rendering me silent midway through the fourth song; but after a bit of frantic scrabbling for spares, I was back online just in time for the loud crunchy bit. A little later, one of my strap locks snapped – we had to call a halt to that one, while I swapped over to spare guitar as the alternative – paying the rest of the night sitting on a chair – didn’t really seem viable (for one thing, it would make me the same height as Emma). Finally, my amp went mysteriously quiet – inevitably, after pulling up the levels, it cut back in again on full power, which cheered me up immensely, although I don’t think the chap standing directly in front was quite as happy about it. READ MORE

27-11-2019 – Water Adendum

Hi all

Late news coming in this week – Friday’s gig at the Lamb in Cadbury Heath is unfortunately CANCELLED.

Apparently the pub has issues with their water end electrics.

This is a highly undesirable combination; I can personally attest that mains is ouchy if you get it up you.

There are unconfirmed rumours that what actually happened is that, having heard we’re coming, the captain deliberately opened the bilge doors and scuttled the pub to avoid it falling into enemy hands.

In any case – we shan’t be going back there until things have dried out somewhat. READ MORE

18-11-2019 – String Plank Frenzy

Greetings, my little peccadilloes.

And a warm welcome to this week’s missive, keeping you updated with all that’s good in the world of rawk’n’roll. And as I don’t know what happened there this week, I’ll tell you instead about what we did.

Saturday night, and a lovely jaunt to the Golden Fleece in Bath, where we met most of the usual regulars there (including their resident uncanny Michael Palin doppelganger), and also the delightful Louise, for whom we played a birthday party last year, who had come out especially to see us (and not even to ask for her money back). READ MORE

11-11-2019 – Whippets

Aye up!

Right, then, lad, wi’ no gigs t’report on, this’ll be a short’un.’Appen.

Er – I’m afraid that’s my entire stock of cheery Northern witticisms used up, except that there’s something about whippets, but I really don’t recall the details.

Never mind. Although somebody did mention this week, whilst idly gazing at a box of Yorkshire tea while the kettle was boiling, that despite having been to Yorkshire several times over the years, she “never did recall seeing any of the plantations”, which rather made me chuckle. READ MORE

04-11-2019 – Just Like Ranulph Fiennes

Hello my darlings!

And a fabulous welcome to this glamorous edition of Angel Update, the weekly blog charting the adventures of perhaps the most fashionable rock outfit in the South West.

Of Narnia.

I’m sorry, I have no idea where this is going, shall we just carry on and pretend that last bit never happened?

Friday, you may have noticed, was a Wet Day. So was Saturday. Nonetheless, it takes more than intemperate weather conditions to halt your rawk’n’roll heroes, so, undeterred – but slightly damp – we made our way to the Trident in Downend. READ MORE

30-10-2019 – Nice!

Here it is…

Howdy pardners

Well, that was a rather nice gig at the George in Shirehampton – there appeared to be the threat of a little bit of “bovver” in the air early on, but as the two would-be combatants were both approaching the age of sixty-five – and I’m not sure from which direction – and nobody else in the pub batted an eyelid, it appears that this is a regular occurrence and that nothing ever comes of it.

Otherwise, the rest of the mob in there were rather good fun, and we were rather touched when the landlord (known, apparently as Grumpy Bob) overpaid us at the end of the night because we were the “first band that he’d actually enjoyed”. Awww. Better still – Awww, with money. READ MORE

21-10-2019 – The Vague Meanderings Of Mr Gormless

Hello listeners

And a warm welcome to this week’s edition of “Vague Meanderings” here on Radio 4. This week in the studio we have ex-BBC television presenter Mr Jack Hargreaves, who sadly died twelve years ago, and is here to promote his new book “Countryside Ramblings From My Shed”.

But first, we have a letter from a Mrs Trellis of North Wales, who writes to ask us if that nice Mrs Thatcher is still in charge of things…

<<We interrupt this broadcast to bring you an important announcement from the Rock Office>> READ MORE

14-10-2019 – The MOP That Needed A Mop

Right then, is everybody here?

You – you at the back there – yes, you, boy – are you chewing something?

What is it?


Ergh. Well, I hope you brought enough for the whole class…

So, if it’s quite all right, shall we continue with the lesson, then, if it’s not too much trouble?

Friday’s escapade to Marlborough was – well, a bit odd, frankly. This is the week, it seems, of the “Marlborough Mop Fair” – a quaint local tradition which seems to consist of closing off the entire high street to traffic, and erecting in it a large – and very much closed – funfair. READ MORE

07-10-2019 – Well Carry On Then

Hola amigos!

Big apologies to anybody who tried to come out to see us at the Giant Goram on Friday – we weren’t there!

To be fair, our Emma was a poorly little chicken indeed, having barely survived Thursday’s trip to the Royal Oak – she did message earlier in the day to say she was feeling terrible, but we were still not quite prepared for the sorry sight that shambled in just before gig time. Oh dearie me, she was not a happy little singer.

Still, bless her, she managed to just about make it through the night – and it did give us an excuse to trot out a couple of extra numbers with Ben on lead vocals, to give her a few minutes recovery time. READ MORE