Tag Archives: abby scandrett

05-03-2023 – Missed Again (Not Fluffy Kittens)

Hello my darlings!

Mornin all!

Once again, I find myself hoisted by my own petard and, having become distracted by the myriad possibilities that the many-hued tapestry of life offers, utterly forgotten to pen in advance a suitable missive for your delectation and delight – or, more likely, your disputation and disappointment.

Actually, even more likely, your utter indifference.

Anyroadup, I find myself with just the scantest of moments to tell you about this week’s upcoming rawk’n’rollTM endeavours. And yet here I am, frittering it away on florid language and pointless rambling. READ MORE

20-02-2023 – A short One … Apparently

Hello my darlings!

Just the briefest of missives this week; since, due to a tactical planning error, I utterly forgot to write this week’s batch of nonsense.

With a gig-free weekend just gone by, there’s really very little to say except to warn you of our upcoming midweek outing: –

Thursday 23rd – Royal Oak, Chipping Sodbury

Nice cosy little local gig, we like them, they seem to like us, and they sell beer. Any questions?

Finding myself currently devoid of inspiration, and just a tad pushed for time, in the words of my old pal Mr Gump; that’s all I have to say about that. READ MORE

13-02-2023 – Ring O’ Belles Experience

Hello boys and girls

It’s time for another story.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin…*

It was Friday night, and time for a keenly anticipated jaunt down to the quaint ickle village of Ashcott in deepest Zummerzet, to play for a long time and much-loved band fam member Cara, who is now running the Ring O’ Bells down there.

Ben and I arrived first, were delighted to see our heroine again, and rather pleased to find a large function room with plenty of room to jump about and fall over if necessary. READ MORE