Tag Archives: Ben Brook

11-12-2023 – The Late Blog

Ahoy there shipmates!

Here’s a quick (and hopefully relatively painless) recap of our latest adventures, and a heads-up for our next outing…

Despite the ‘orrible cold weather (well, ‘orrible by our standards, I assume our chums Oop North were strolling about in vest tops and short skirts complaining of heatstroke – but then again, can you really trust a chap wearing a vest top and short skirt?) Last Saturday saw us venture forth to the lovely Old Mill in Clevedon. And, despite a few technical hitches with broken mic leads and naughty effects pedals, we had a very jolly evening. We were absolutely delighted to see some old chums in there, including our favourite guest vocalist, the young, talented and lovely Paige, who was happy to join us and sing a couple of numbers*, giving Abby a chance to sit down and inhale some cider. READ MORE

07-11-2023 – Amplifier Invalvement

Hello chums!

As I write this (the morning of November 5th) it’s too early to say whether somebody decided to commemorate Guy Fawkes’ Night in a “proper” historically accurate fashion – still, fingers crossed, eh?

Well, onto more pressing local matters…

Friday’s jaunt to the Air Balloon in Filton went off without too many hitches, despite both Stuart and my amp being rather poorly. Stuart has developed (one might say, developed almost to perfection) a heavy cold, but despite having almost no voice and looking really wiped out, he managed to bravely soldier on all the way through the gig; in deference to his condition, we restricted ourselves to just the one encore. READ MORE

06-10-2023 – Random (There’s Always Something)

Hi there, good to see you – c’mon in, pull up a helicopter and make yourself comfortable…

This week, whilst I was (obviously) supposed to be doing something else, I stumbled across a random word generator – and, as you’ll see from the above, it’s not really as much fun as I expected. Still, let’s give it a go and see how long until I get bored with it.




Nope. Bored already.

So – we have a rather satisfactory weekend’s gigging to report; for Friday nights at the Swan in Almondsbury (the nearest thing I have to a local, despite not actually being very local), we were the first band they’ve had in there for many a year, and thus something of an experiment; in the words of Dave the landlord, – “If nothing else, I’m hoping we can at least piss off the woman next door”. READ MORE

11-09-2023 – Carry On Reality, Almost

Hey gang

It’s been a busy ol’ weekend, so I think it’s only fair to give you just the edited highlights…

Friday night, and we’d been looking forward to a jolly night at the dear ol’ Cat & Wheel on Gloucester Road. We weren’t disappointed; I was very pleased to see my brother and his lovely other half turned up unexpectedly mid-soundcheck, just as I’d managed to sort out my sulky pedalboard and get it into some semblance of working order. Later, they were also joined by a barrage of my favourite nieces, and all was set for a pleasant evening. READ MORE

17-07-2023 – For One Night Only

Aye up!

It was a couple of weeks ago, but I fondly remember our recent outing to the King Billy in Staple Hill – which I am seriously considering adding to our list of favourite Bristol venues.

With regular bass maestro Steve away on something he called a “holiday” – I really must look that up sometime – we were looking forward to having our low end covered by previous incumbent Ben; and to our mutual surprise and delight, he remembered the entire set without a hitch – all the while merrily being a daft bugger. READ MORE

03-07-2023 – Too Shouty At The Festival

Top o’ the mornin’ to ye!

We hope you enjoyed the weekend just as much as we did.

…But not more than us, ‘cause that would somehow feel unjust. Why should you lot be having all the fun, eh…?

Anyway, you’d have to be going some to out-fun us – Saturday’s jaunt to The Market Tavern in Glasters was an absolute hoot. On arrival, I was especially pleased by the strapping young barmaid who insisted on helping me lug the kit in from the van; “there’s three more of ‘em behind the bar anyway, so I’m not doing much else just now”. READ MORE

26-06-2023 – Glastonbury, Not Far From Worthy Farm

‘Sup dawgs

After a couple of weeks off, you’ll doubtless be excited to hear that we’re back out gigging. In fact, it’s a rather special gig coming up this week – thanks no doubt to a special personal request from Michael Eavis – we’ve been asked to play… <<cue drum roll>> ….Glastonbury!

Yes, really. It’s true. Now, whilst the majority of the mainstream event for the great unwashed public was of course held this weekend just gone, we’ve been told that this is an intimate event, organised exclusively by and for the cognoscenti, at the secretive “Other Other Stage”. READ MORE

07-06-2023 – Rather Pleasant

Aye up!

Just a brief missive this week, as I forgot to write one yesterday, so now it’s VERY early in the morning, and my creative muse is currently sleeping softly in bed with the curtains drawn. I, however, fortified by a large and potent jet-black coffee, am heroically stabbing blindly at a keyboard in an attempt to transfer information from what remains of my brain onto the screen you see before you. So, please, bear with any typos or sentences that seem to run out of steam…

Saturday’s jaunt to the Fire Engine in Redfield went rather well, all things considered. We had been feeling a little cautious, as the last time we came the place was full of riotous drunks before we even arrived, and several had to be actively subdued by the staff. READ MORE

30-05-2023 – Playin Wiv The Duck!

Mornin all!

And we hope you all had as entertaining a weekend as we did! Friday’s gig at the Air Balloon was jolly good fun, and it was especially nice to see various sets of pals from the disparate worlds of both rawk’n’roll and work having a jolly time.

In fact, I was even moved to play one of my favourite bath duck solos – captured here (photo credits where they’re due) by @photography_#1rock_chick…

This is, of course, just one of the two ways known to science to get a duck to play the blues. READ MORE

28-03-2023 – Love Bites

Hey there, cats & kittens!

Dean Martin here – you may remember me from my string of easy listening hits from the fifties and sixties – I’m the one that’s not Frank Sinatra (no-good punk that he was, with his “songs for swinging lovers”…pah!)

Anyway – being dead, I’ve not been able to release any new music for quite a while; but I have instead been devoting my spare time to marine conservation.

And that’s what I’m doing here – sending out a series of fascinating snippets of information to raise everyone’s awareness of the plight of the sea life in our oceans, via a series of weekly emails. This is just the first of a series of sixty-four, containing fun facts for your education and entertainment. READ MORE