Tag Archives: the witchurch

05-03-2019 – The Swinging Member Experience

Hola amigos!

Well, that weekend was… interesting…

Saturday night at the Whitchurch – which did indeed, as expected, turn out to be in Whitchurch –  a large pub, where we are allocated  just enough space to set us up in, and a noticeable fashion vibe – we counted at least six young ladies all wearing the same ripped-jeans and leopard skin print top outfit. It must be a Whitchurch chic thing.

The crowd were a mixed bunch of the moderately interested, and the fanatical manic dancing about, but by the start of second set the latter faction clearly had the upper hand. READ MORE

25-02-2019 – Complete Muppetry

And what, may I ask, is the sun doing? Shining? In February? It’s rather impertinent of it, if you ask me.

Still, it is rather lovely. And it’s been a most entertaining week for me, there’s been much driving around the country for various reasons, which included a Friday overnight stop at a B & B in the middle of Birmingham.

I was rather please to find that the B & B was in fact a pub; with live music on; and a microbrewery attached. So an unexpectedly pleasant night was spent sampling various beers – my favourite went by the name of Complete Muppetry, although there was a definite runners-up prize for the Chocolate and Cherry Porter, which I could still clearly taste the following morning. READ MORE