Tag Archives: birthday

10-06-2024 – Randomness Is Not Evenly Distributed

Aye up!

Well, that was an eventful weekend.

Some of the more experienced of you may recall a government information video from – oooh, probably the early eighties – warning the public that “most accidents occur in the home”.

Under the Freedom Of Information Act, I can now tell you that this is not the case – the truth is, in fact, that “Most Accidents Happen At The Gig”.

I shall elucidate.

Friday night saw us roll up bright and early at the Cat & Wheel in advance of 7 pm, ready for the early start which has been the custom there for the past year or two. READ MORE

04-06-2024 – Party Down


Well, we hope you all had as fine a weekend as we did; we kicked off with a fairly quiet pub gig on Friday, but on Saturday night we had an absolute blast – we’d been asked, at quite short notice, to play a house party, which turned out to be at a very nice big posh house; we were set up in a marquee in the garden, playing with a backdrop of a lovely sunset view over the Severn Estuary, with a lovely bunch of folks watching us arrayed on the two-tiered terraces. 

I even managed to persuade my beloved Dem to come along, the first time she’s come out with us in ages, and the first time she met our Abby. READ MORE

29-05-2024 – Grumpy Monkeys Two For The Price Of One

Morning all!

Well, we’re back! And, if our jaunt to the King Billy in Staple Hill on Saturday was anything to go by, we’re actually rather less rusty than expected.

This is not to say that there wasn’t the occasional mishap – for example – one of our number (who shall remain nameless, because it was me) during the intro to a song which features a mere three chords, required three attempts to find the right one… I mean, you’d have thought statistically I’d have done better than that. READ MORE

20-04-2024 – Ooh Look, Vikings

Greetings earthlets!

My, that was a busy and fun-packed weekend!

Friday night saw us down at the Blue Lagoon for a riotously fun-packed evening; I was bowled over to see some much-missed old pals, and the place filled up rapidly as we were about to start.

Cunning Abby had requested kind-hearted Stuart to pick her up for the gig.

“Car trouble?”

“No, I just fancied a drink…”

It seemed to do her the world of good, she was out and about merrily moshing with the crowd from the off, and by half time, during what I felt was a particularly artful guitar solo, she’d somehow instigated a chant of “Go, Alan, go!” from the assembled reprobates. READ MORE

20-04-2024 – Did someone mention Vikings?

Hello funsters!

What’s that coming over the hill?

Is it a monster?

No, it’s a gig!

Friday 26th – Blue Lagoon, Bishopston
Down on the exotic and glamorous Gloucester Road Strip, the hugely riotous mob at the Glue Baboon never fails to disappoint. They leave that to us…

Looking forward to catching up with some old chums at this one, it’s going to be a big night!

And, the following day, we have a glorious afternoon appointment, courtesy of our favourite all-girl motorcycle club….

Saturday 27th, 2 pm – Banshees Bash, Barton Hill RFC
The annual charity fundraiser run by the ever-lovely Bristol Banshees; last time we played for them, in addition to the expected bar, food and trade stalls, they had Viking battle re-enactments. I can tell you, that standing on a stage playing AC/DC at an unhealthy volume as the soundtrack to the clash of swords is a truly invigorating experience, and I wholeheartedly commend it to you. READ MORE

10-04-2024 – Shiny New Kit

Ahoy there funsters!

Well, we had a lovely time down the Old Mill in Portishead on Saturday. A very lively bunch, there was dancing and singing a-plenty from the get-go, plus all the usual spilling of drinks and stumbling into monitors that go along with it.

I had to draw the line, though, at the young lady who thought she’d be a hilarious comedy genius by fiddling with the mixing desk controls as we were playing – I managed to attract her attention with a delicately placed boot so that I could give her a little advice. READ MORE

03-04-2024 – Bonny Dream

Hey gang

We hope you all had a fantastic long weekend, and that the Easter Bunny brought you all your heart’s fondest desires.

In my case, I woke up eagerly on Easter morning, excitedly pulled the curtain aside to peer onto the drive, and – sure enough – there, gleaming in the early morning sunshine, was the unmistakable shape of a 1976 T140 export model Triumph Bonneville, resplendent in all-black custom paint scheme, the reflections from the shining chrome wheel rims almost dazzling me. I gazed in wonder at the slender graceful curves of the fuel tank, the elegant upswept chromed exhaust pipes, and the stentorian functionality of the twin Amal Mark II carburettors, feeding into the inlet ports of the cooling fin-bedecked cylinder head. READ MORE

12-03-2024 – Inflatable Guitar Crisis

Hello folks!

Well, this week we have a very entertaining evening to report from the lovely Pack Horse in Stapleton.

As we arrived and started setting up, I was approached by lovely bar manager Angie.

“Ere”, she says, “Did you bring any of them inflatable guitars with you tonight?”

“Er, no, we’ve run out, actually” I tell her.

“What?!” she replies. “Well then, you can bloody well pack up and piss off now…”


“We had a lot of fun with them last time, we did…”

“I suppose we’ll just have to rely on our loveable personalities and musical talent, then”, I tell her. READ MORE

19-02-2024 – Kissy Girl

Wassup homeys!

We hope you’re all good – I must say we just had the most enormous fun weekend of gigging we have had in ages.

Thursday at the Oak in Sodding Chipbury went really well, lots of singing along and good feedback afterwards – it’s nice to have a really appreciative audience who can spot the subtler nuances of the musicians’ art. (“Can you turn that girl’s mic up a bit, she’s bloody brilliant?”).

Which, of course, she certainly is.

I’d been looking forward to Saturday’s trip to the Queen Vic in Stroud all week – we’ve not been there for a couple of years – Would they still remember us? Would it be as lively as it used to be? Have they finally got rid of the crappy resident DJ?* READ MORE

15-02-2024 – Ball Games

Hello playmates!

Well, we had an interesting couple of outings recently – lots of fun at the Fire Engine in Redfield, we were delighted to see some old pals (and meet some new ones), and – unusually – although there was much jolly dancing about in confined spaces, nobody fell over. As a bonus, it was gratifying to find that, despite not having played together since December, we managed to sound reasonably coherent. Whatever next, I wonder?

And, this Saturday afternoon we spent a merry afternoon providing pre-match entertainment for the good folks at Bristol Rovers FC. I was particularly amused that the first thing I noticed on entering the ground was this sign… READ MORE