Hey gang
Another weekend, another silly night of rawk’n’roll…
After a pretty dire Friday night gig, replete with dodgy stage sound, equipment death, and my guitar spontaneously detuning itself, resulting in me trying to play one song without touching three of the strings, we were hoping for better things on Saturday up at the dear ol’ Queen Vic in Stroud…
And better things indeed there were. We brought along my beloved Dem and daughter Lily, and were delighted to find some old pals waiting for us when we arrived, who kindly helped us haul the kit in, while Dem and Lil headed straight for the bar and started emptying it.
And a jolly fine night it turned out to be; I’d previously managed to acquire a very fine pair of white feathered angel wings, and whilst Stuart was playing a drum intro partway through the first set, Ben whipped them out of hiding, grabbed hold of Rosa and strapped them onto her. Once over the initial moment of shock, she was rather excited with them. “This is the best night of my life, ever!” she tells the crowd, and refuses to remove them for the rest of the night – the sight of her squeezing through the crowd, unwittingly batting people in the face with her wings as she passed, was particularly delightful.
In fact, later on after we packed up, we see that she has somehow managed to put a jumper on without taking them off, and she was last seen trying to manoeuvre into Stuart’s car, still wearing them…
The gig itself was definitely on the lively side, there were a few young lads there who clearly were new to drinking, but did hopefully learn a few things about it – for example, they learned that if you jump up on a stage to try and grab the singers mike, you are liable to find a guitarist’s boot making contact with you rather swiftly – but by and large it was a hugely fun night.
Special mention for our mate Adam’s pal Birthday Sam, who (quite rightly) had the best time of all, and thanks to all our pals old and new who came and jollied along for the night.
Coming up this week – we had been planning a weekend off, but then somebody went and offered us a stadium gig; we thought it might be rude to refuse…
Friday 14th Oct – Bristol City Stadium
Oooh, I haven’t played a stadium gig since – let’s see now – 1989! (Which, according to my press age, means I was about five at the time). Admittedly, that was a basketball stadium in South America, but it was technically a stadium. Whereas this one – well, to be honest, it isn’t. It’s in the bar at Bristol City stadium, we’re pre-match and half-time entertainment for the drinkers who’ve come to watch Bristol Rugby beating Cardiff. We’re rather looking forward to it, and if nothing else, we can easily (if only slightly disingenuously) make it look really impressive on the cv….
And that, my friends, just about wraps it up for another week. We’ll let y’all know how it goes…
In the meantime, as Abraham Lincoln would say,
Square on – and Party On, dudes!
[Editor’s Note: Ok I admit the post image is a tad cheesy]