Ahoy there, shipmates!
After a rather nice week off work, which involved a merry couple of days recording (huge fun, apart from the rather impressive number of stairs that we had to lug heavy amplifiers up to the aptly-named Rooftop Studios), I spent a happy few whiskey-sodden days with Da Family at nice relaxing (but, to be fair, musically fairly rubbish) festival.
For both events I had to leave before the end; so sadly I can’t report on the final results of the recording, and nor can I tell you what the Cheeky Girls’ live act is actually like. On the plus side, I was back in a nice cosy house when the rain started plummeting apocalyptically from the heavens, so on balance I think it was a good call. Besides, my liver was starting to ache…
Right then, after a nice long weekend away from the glamour and glitz of playing rock tunes in pubs and other salubrious venues, your favourite purveyors of other people’s tunes are back out and at it again this weekend –
Friday 29th – The Ram, Park St, Bristol
Never played here before, but Lou tells me it’s full of “young, exciting trendy people”. Even younger and trendier than me?? Assuming she doesn’t mean five-year-olds with a penchant for skydiving and base-jumping, I guess that should mean that there’s eye-candy a-plenty. At least for young Ben, who is allowed to look at such things (Stuart, of course, doesn’t really notice any more). Personally, I am allowed to look, but only with one eye. At any rate, Dem has explained to me that I will only have one eye left afterwards. If I’m lucky.
Saturday 30th – Ferndale Club, Swindon
It’s a social club. In Swindon. Actually, it’s not as bad as that makes it sound. They have a resident guy there, at least 70, who likes to bring out his cardboard-and-plywood Flying V and rock out with the bands. Probably scores a bit lower on the eye-candy-o-meter, though.
Still can’t help worrying that maybe I should have stayed on to catch the Cheeky Girls …
Square On