
07-06-2023 – Rather Pleasant

Aye up!

Just a brief missive this week, as I forgot to write one yesterday, so now it’s VERY early in the morning, and my creative muse is currently sleeping softly in bed with the curtains drawn. I, however, fortified by a large and potent jet-black coffee, am heroically stabbing blindly at a keyboard in an attempt to transfer information from what remains of my brain onto the screen you see before you. So, please, bear with any typos or sentences that seem to run out of steam…

Saturday’s jaunt to the Fire Engine in Redfield went rather well, all things considered. We had been feeling a little cautious, as the last time we came the place was full of riotous drunks before we even arrived, and several had to be actively subdued by the staff.

This time, however, everybody was in a more straightforwardly jolly frame of mind, and the first set passed very nicely. At half time, as I’m lounging outside the front door with Steve the bassist, catching a cooling breath of fresh air, a taxi pulls up and disgorges several attractive young ladies and a tall affable-looking chap. The first A.Y.L. comes straight up to me, beaming, and says, “Oh, hi Alan, How are you?” and gives me a quick hug. I am ready to swear on a stack of Bibles I’ve never seen her before in my life, so I am utterly nonplussed, yet still rather pleased. The rest of them all greet me equally enthusiastically, and it is only then that I realize that the chap looks vaguely familiar. It transpires they are all good mates of Abby’s, and that I have in fact met them all at a previous gig.

Clearly, my mind is beginning to lose its grip. I decided that maybe I should compile some kind of catalogue of attractive young ladies as an aide-memoire for future reference.

Almost immediately afterwards, I realize this is probably not a good idea.

The second set, bolstered by the presence of Abby’s fan club, and our old friend Alcohol, goes exceptionally well, and we wrap up the night after a quick encore or two and pack up so Abs can go home to bed. She’s in “old lady” mode tonight, resisting the temptation to go clubbing with her chums, following an encounter the previous evening with “some wine”…

Coming up this week – dangerously close to home…

Saturday 10th June – Bailey’s Court Inn, Bradley Stoke
Nice and local for me – well, local, anyway. Sometimes it’s really quite busy and energetic, sometimes it’s not. We shall find out and report back…

Square on

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