Country Scene

11-02-2025 – A Pleasant Night Out

Hi folks

Well, that was another cold, damp weekend, enlivened by a healthy dose of rawk’n’roll.

Saturday night, and I rolled up to the Lord Raglan feeling rather shabby, having acquired some kind of low-level lurgy during the week (either that, or somebody maliciously filled my lungs with custard during the night. But who would do such a thing? It certainly wouldn’t have been my devoted wife. Why, just the other week, she had obviously sensed I was feeling cold in the night, and I awoke to find her holding a pillow firmly over my face in an effort to keep me warm).

Still, feeling shabby is no excuse for depriving the drinking public of their quota of pre-loved classic rock tunes, so we rolled in, set up, and set to. For once, the bundle of fun that is the landlady Michelle wasn’t working, so she spent the evening making sure we had everything we needed while necking as many drinks as she could manage. All in all, a fine night, and a very bouncy crowd. I think we even got all the air guitars back afterwards…

Coming up this week

Friday 14th – O’Neill’s, Bristol.
Well, Friday is Valentine’s Day, and what better way to show your loved one your true feelings than to bring them down to watch a bunch of fools make a terrible racket in the heart of the metropolis? Of course, if you’re single, that’s all the more reason to come on down – you might get lucky; and, if you don’t, at least you won’t have to share your bag of chips on the way home…

Square on

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