
04-06-2024 – Party Down


Well, we hope you all had as fine a weekend as we did; we kicked off with a fairly quiet pub gig on Friday, but on Saturday night we had an absolute blast – we’d been asked, at quite short notice, to play a house party, which turned out to be at a very nice big posh house; we were set up in a marquee in the garden, playing with a backdrop of a lovely sunset view over the Severn Estuary, with a lovely bunch of folks watching us arrayed on the two-tiered terraces. 

I even managed to persuade my beloved Dem to come along, the first time she’s come out with us in ages, and the first time she met our Abby.

On being introduced to Dem, Abs’ first words are, “Oh my God, you look exactly like Lily”.

Dem looks pleased; I crease up helplessly with laughter. I only wish our dear daughter had been there so I could see her reaction…

We started playing, and pretty quickly we had enough of them down dancing on the lawn to make a right mess of it; and after a short break to take advantage of the vast array of food and the apparently bottomless beer cooler, we got back to it.

The proverbial fine time was had by all; after a jolly and boisterous second set, a few encores and a guest vocalist spot, we packed up – and then I set about eating and drinking as much as possible before Dem found me to tell me it was time to go home.

Coming up this weekend – some excellent fun in the offing: –

Friday 7th – Cat & Wheel, Cheltenham Rd
One of our favourite venues in Bristol – an early start, this one – probably 7:30 or so, come early to get a decent table to dance on.

Saturday 8th – Queen Vic, Stroud
One of our favourite venues in the world. 9:30 start, and hoping to catch up with a few old pals here. Mayhem beckons…

…and that’s about it for this week.

Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts, that’s my advice…

Square on

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