
21-05-2018 – Mr Mellow

Hola amigos!

Writing this as I am on a balmy Sunday evening, still slightly pissed from this afternoon’s gentle party in the sunshine, I must say what an enormously satisfactory weekend that was!

We started with a rare school night gig on Thursday night at the Oak in Sodding Chipbury – and I was delighted to run into a couple long-lost pals there. Once we started playing, the usual small-but-friendly crowd slowly grew into a larger-but-friendlier crowd, and so by the end of the night everybody seemed to be having an immense hoot. Lovely!

No gig on Friday, but my mate Becks did treat me to a nice hot bacon butty for breakfast – you have to have lived with vegetarians for a few decades to understand the enormity of this situation.

“So why did she do that?” I am asked.

“Because”, I reply simply, “she is a goddess”.

Saturday, and our eagerly anticipated gig up at the Queen Vic in Stroud lived up to our high expectations; we are greeted on arrival by lovely chums John, Anne, Adam & Emma; and the guys promptly set about hauling all the kit in for us. We are delighted to see that their resident DJ isn’t in there tonight, and (if possible) I am even more please to see my mate Jackie roll in along with the ever-appreciative Clothears Crew.

An evening of extended merriment follows, and although Em has a catch in her voice and there are a couple of numbers we don’t attempt, we still end up playing on until half twelve, before collapsing into a contented sweaty heap, while we wait for the kit to pack itself away.

Eventually we have to concede that this is not going to happen, and so we wearily pack up and trundle off homewards after some fond goodbyes.

Sunday is spent lounging around in the garden sunshine at my gaffe with a few well-chosen folks, eating and drinking rather more than absolutely necessary, because sometimes these things are absolutely necessary.

We’ll have to succumb to the normality grind for a few more days, but then by the weekend we’ll be back in the marvelous world of rawk’n’roll silliness…

Saturday 26th – The Ship, Keynsham – 6:30pm
Not played here before, but it sounds like fun – it’s the pub’s very own mini-festival, outside in a nice sunny garden I’m given to understand. Apparently there’s a danger that Dem will come along and bring the fambly, too. You have been warned.

Sunday 27th – The Messenger, Swindon
A big ol’ pub in the heart of a housing estate, I rather like this one as there is ample room to jump around like a twat. Admittedly it’s only me doing that usually, but I figure as long as I’m happy… then I’m happy!

Thought for the day – why is the Chinese alphabet made up entirely of tattoos?

Square on

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