Shiva Temple

14-08-2017 – The Holy Guitarist

Hola, mes amigos!

Right, so after a weekend over which I’m pretty sure I didn’t even touch a guitar – being too busy as I was constructing a temple in the back garden, the reasons for which I am sure Dem will be able to explain to me in due course – we have little to report this week (I’m assuming here that a detailed itinerary of my dealings with timber merchants and a catalogue of minor injuries sustained during the building process will be of only minor interest).

However, we do have a nice, normal two-gig weekend coming up to look forward to…

Friday 18th – Rolleston Arms, Swindon
I rather like it in here; there’s a nice little raised stage, everybody is pretty friendly, and although the rammed-to-capacitiness factor tends to fluctuate a bit (based, I suspect, largely on the prevailing distance from pay day), there’s always a good chance of seeing our pal Mad Freddie there, who never fails to entertain once he gets dancing. Even if he does sometimes scare unsuspecting bystanders out of the pub…

Saturday 19th – The Swan, Thornbury
A nice local one for me – and seeing as Dem and Lil are away, I shall be accompanied by my two youngest offspring for the evening. And, while they’re there, it seems silly not to let them play a few numbers in between sets – so, an unparalleled opportunity to catch the mighty Polar Bear Cheese Pirates From Outer Space, Plus Special Guest Vocalist Ben. Or Maybe Emma. Or Maybe Even Ben And Emma. Bemma? Anyways, the important thing for music lovers is that nobody will let me or Stuart sing. Can’t imagine why… We will therefore be restricting our activities to guitar wankery and rubber chicken manipulation*.

Finally, as the joke cupboard is bare this week, a couple of alerts from our IT department…

• If you receive an email with the title field “Tinned pork product in jelly”, don’t open it. It’s spam.
• If you receive an email purporting to contain a link to a new Coldplay music video, don’t open it. It contains a link to a new Coldplay music video.

Right, that’s it for now…

Square on

*Editor’s note: Only one of these is a euphemism…

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