Tag Archives: birthday

27-01-2014 – Brief, ain’t got no time edition

Hey chums!

No gigs coming up this weekend, and yours truly has run out of spare time to write this stuff, so we’ll just briefly say …

Friday at the Langley Arms – a bit on the quiet side, we had to wait a while for some of the more senior punters left before we were allowed to play (just in case) but a jolly enough night in the end, and nice to see some old pals again.

Saturday at Linda’s birthday party down at Fiddlers in Bedminster – Awesome fun night, total respect due to Lou for not missing a note when Ben and I appeared for the second set dressed as bananas (just in case you saw any pics and thought we’d joined the Klu Klux Klan…). READ MORE

20-01-2014 – E’s gettin on edition

Yo homeys!

Well, I like to think that was a well-deserved weekend off for the band; personally, I had a rather lovely time, ‘cause it meant I could kick back and enjoy my 25th birthday (not for the first time).

In fact, I was lost for words when I got into work to find, in addition to the usual array of “embarrassing” photos from my past displayed all over the office, the balloons, and the inflatable zimmer frame (you see, I’m lucky enough to work with the nicest bunch of bastards you could ever wish to meet), perched on top of a bespoke birthday cake, this absolutely fantastic rendition of myself, lovingly crafted from finest icing sugar…
Alan 50
Kinda sweet, ain’t he? READ MORE