So, whilst I remember, here’s a quick rundown of events at our gig at O’Neill’s, down in That Brizzle a couple of weeks ago.
Setting off from home, I was feeling a tad ropey and running slightly late. Nonetheless, I arrived safely, hurriedly unloaded, and then spent a full 20 minutes trying to find somewhere to park. Eventually, I found a spot and hoofed it back through the drizzle to the venue. After a frenziedly rapid setting up and plugging in of the gear, we were back on schedule.
It was then that I spotted eldest son lurking nearby. “I didn’t come to say hello earlier, in case I got roped in to help”, he explains, “But I’ll buy you a pint if you like”.
We agree this is a mutually satisfactory arrangement.
It’s time to start playing, so off we go, and straight away there is dancing – not least from a slightly tipsy lady, who I suspected of qualifying for a free bus pass, but was nonetheless heroically throwing shapes left, right and centre.
Abby immediately gives her an inflatable guitar (at least in-part to stop her trying to play mine), and the silliness is off to an early start.
During the second set, the place filled up and livened up even more. A few songs from the end, Abby calls a momentary halt to make an announcement.
“It’s Valentine’s Day, so we hope you’re all having a nice romantic time. To all the couples in the room, here’s a special romantic song we’ll play just for you. It’s called ‘Highway To Hell…’”
After we finish the set, the crowd’s cries for more are drowned out by the DJ, who has clearly been impatiently waiting for the narcissist musos to finish their nonsense and make way for the main display of artistic talent for the evening; which is him pressing a button marked “Play”…
Coming up this weekend – we’re back down in town, just across the road from last time, in fact
Saturday 1st March – Birkett’s Tap, Baldwin Street
We’ve not played here for several years, back when it was called (weirdly) O’Neill’s…. It’s déjà vu all over again…
Square on