Hohoho ahoy!
Right, that’s my one grudging acknowledgement of the upcoming festering season out of the way*.
And, since we’ve already given you the updates from the last couple of gigs, we’ll plough right on into the exciting news of our next (and final, for 2022) date…
Friday 16th – Cat & Wheel, Gloucester Road
Back down by the Arches, and seeing as it’s nice and local for her, our Abby has gleefully announced she will be aiming to imbibe her way through as many drinks as people are prepared to buy her. Meanwhile, those of us who are cursed with having to drive will have to make do with festive joy as a spectator sport. (Until we get home, at any rate, and can start laying into the seasonal mulled turpentine…)
…And, gig-wise, that’ll be your lot for this year! However, fear not, we’ll be back in the Noo Year, revitalised, refreshed (particularly refreshed, in Abby’s case, I suspect), and ready to lay down some more smokin’ tunes for the dubious benefit of you, the great unwashed public [Editor’s note: I’ll disassociate myself from the latter part of this sentence now before any impending law suites].
So, if we don’t see you on the16th, we’ll see you in the future, and wish you a very merry end-of-year corporate commercial festival.
Square on
*I am reminded of a Yuletide conversation from many years back, when one of my offspring enquired of my dear Dem, “Mum, has Dad always been such a grumpy old man?”
To which, after but a moment’s consideration, she replied “Oh, no dear. I know it’s hard to believe, but he actually used to be a grumpy young man”.
Sounds a fair enough assessment to me.