Display Team

04-11-2024 – The All-Fishponds Formation Mammary Display Team

Hey folks

Sorry, we didn’t send one of these out last week – quite frankly, I forgot. A brief recap should suffice, however.

A couple of Fridays ago we played a pre-Halloween gig at Keynsham Courtyard – a new venue for us, and once we’d figured out how to squish ourselves onto the very cosy-sized stage, we had a very jolly evening –  lots of folks in fancy dress, which is always good to see, along with much dancing and jollity.

Stood right in front of me for most of the night was a middle-aged couple and what I assumed to be their daughter. The husband, probably with a couple of beers on board already, was having a wonderful time, singing along to all the tunes and air guitaring away. His wife looked… rather less amused. In mid-song, I happened to catch the eye of the daughter, standing between them, and mouthed the words,

“He’s going to be in trouble when he gets home, isn’t he?”

She burst out laughing and nodded vigorously.

Sure enough, as soon as we finished the first set, he was led firmly away by the elbow by his grim-faced spouse, with the daughter following on behind, chuckling merrily.

The second set was, as usual, even livelier than the first, and after throwing in a few bonus tunes, we finished up bang on time, in the hope that they’ll ask us back again.

Last Thursday saw us back at the Oak in Chipping Sodbury, where our visit was enlightened by some old pals that we hadn’t seen in over ten years – a group of middle-aged ladies known to us as the All-Fishponds Formation Mammary Display Team.

Back in the day, they regularly appeared at our gigs, and it was their habit to try and distract hard-working musicians by flashing their chests at them, with the aim of causing musical mishaps at critical moments.

Fortunately, to a seasoned campaigner such as myself, such inconsequential distractions are ineffective – I can happily play even quite challenging solos whilst staring at young ladies’ exposed chests, without any trouble at all.

If anybody would care for a demonstration to verify this fact, please apply in writing via the form below, and it can be arranged. (You will need to provide your own young ladies, and please don’t forget to sign the legal disclaimer attached).

Still, it was very nice to see them all again.

Coming up this week, is another one of our favourite venues: –

Friday 8th – Cat & Wheel, Cheltenham Road
Down by the Arches, it’s a bit snug for us but there is always room to dance on the furniture. And so that’s what they usually do.

And, that’s about it for this week. We’ll let you know how it goes at the Cat….Unless you fancy coming along, that is. But best get there early, just in case the venue is besieged by topless young ladies keen to see if they can succeed in distracting me from my fretboard….

Square on

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