Yo ho-ho-homeys (see what I did there?)
Well, it appears to be the gig-cancelling season – not only was last Saturday’s planned outing to the Ferndale Club in sunny Swindon called off due to some double-booking high jinks at their end, but also this coming Friday’s bash at the Reckless Engineer in Bristol is also abandoned thanks to some fairly spectacular ineptitude on their part. Still, there are some gigs surviving…
…Last Friday, for example; when we went all the way down to sunny Wincanton in deepest darkest Zummerzet – hadn’t realised quite how far away it was until I got there (eh??) whereupon I immediately sent a warning text back to Lou to be sure to leave in good time, to make sure she had a full tank of petrol and ample food supplies with her, and Not To Stray From The Path or talk to any naughty goblins on the way. As it turned out, I was later told that Wincanton is in fact twinned with Ankh-Morpork – so I wasn’t too far wrong.
The gig was in the back room of a pub, it was a fire station’s annual Christmas party, so we set up and waited whilst they all ate their nice roast dinners, then once they were puddinged up, we started. There weren’t that many people in there, to tell the truth, but they were all good fun and lively and joining in. After a while, a bunch more of them came strolling in.
“Where have you all been?” demands Lou of them.
“Putting out a fire”, they tell her.
Well, fair enough!
By the end of the night, they’re all happily dancing around, and we all agree we’ve has a rather nice time. And so, we pack up, and, as it’s late and it’s a long way home, set off with all due haste. So much so that, just within half a mile of my house, a nice policeman pulls me over, and, once we’ve established that I’m not pissed, very politely asks if I might consider continuing my journey home, “within some semblance of the speed limit, please. If it’s not too much trouble”.
Well, since he asked nicely, that’s what I did.
Coming up this week – with no Reckless gig, we have Friday night off, but we are left with Saturday
Sat 20th Dec – Lansdowne Hotel, Calne
Never been here before, but since this gig has been booked for us via the Spotted Cow agency – I’m kinda wondering if it’s possible to hire a pantomime cow costume for the night. Ben – bagsy front end!
Square on