27-04-2015 – Awwwww, bless!

Beneficent salutations faithful readers.

Well, it looks like my predictions from last week’s were fairly accurate; with daughter Lil at the Mail Coach on Saturday, things did indeed get quite lively towards the Tina Turner end of the set; by the end of the night, several of the lovely locals were queueing up to buy us drinks, and to tell Lily she was “fabulous”. I reckon next time we’ll just let Lil wheel out a shedload of her musical theatre tosh, and they’ll be sobbing in the aisles.

I will be, for one…

And Sunday afternoon brought Angel Up Front another trip over to Pighill, for a belt through the set at the Duke of Edinburgh. And a rather nice place to play it turned out to be, a couple of old faces from years gone by, but our favourite was a lovely young lass who – true to Little Girls Love Heavy Rock form, had an absolute blast, and rather sweetly presented us with this picture after we finished. Awwww….

NeeveNote, incidentally, the rather brave attempt at joined-up writing, the fact that Lou appears to be approximately half the height of Ben (although, come to think of it, that’s probably not far off the mark), and, best of all, the fact that Stuart appears to have morphed into some kind of insane leering octopus creature.

In fact, I wonder if we can get that picture put onto t-shirts…

And coming up next week, my beloved Dem is a away for a few days – and while the cat’s away, the mice will – er – well, carry on gigging as usual, actually…

Friday 1st May – The Trout, Keynsham
We like it here; it’s small, it’s loud, and the floor is always awash with beer by the end of the night. As are most the punters. As it’s quite close to Lou’s gaffe, there’s a fair chance her mum will stop by to catch the set while necking a few dozen Jagerbombs to keep things interesting.

Saturday 2nd May – Larkhall Festival, Bath
Not done this one before; but apparently we’re on at about 9:30pm, so presumably just as it gets dark and cold and the blizzards kick in… luckily we’ll be safe and warm inside the Oriel Hall, apparently…

Thassit for this week, and remember folks – this roke band is not just coll, it is Awsomely Coll.

Square on

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